Don't Compromise Your Religion!
Went back from new Muslims (revert) class today. The reverts discussed about Jesus in relation to Christmas. In fact, Christmas has no reference in the Bible, it even has nothing to do with the religion. It's now more like a commodity. In 1600s, Christmas celebration was banned in Bettleham and people celebrating it were fined with lots of money.
New Muslims' Response towards Their Family on Christmas Day
They, the reverts, are now struggling toward their family on Christmas day--their parents are still Christians and some atheists, it's all about maintaining the aqidah. They prefer not to come to the day and expelled from the family gathering.
How do some born Muslims in Indonesia respond towards Christmas?
In contrast, some of our Muslim friends celebrate it. Love taking picture with santa, christmas tree and astaghfirullah do the christmas greeting. Are you trying to be tolerant?...
O believers, May Allah give us all hidayah.